Monday, December 24, 2012

“Nothing But a Child” based on Luke 2:1-20 Christmas Eve Humber United Church

Waiting for Christmas.  Especially as children, throughout December, it seemed like nothing but  just waiting for Christmas. Waiting is a hard thing to do when you’re a child - well, hard for all of us. Waiting has a strange dynamic. The more you wait the longer time stretches. It’s like when your eyes are glued to the clock, time just won’t pass - or you stand drumming your fingers, waiting for the kettle to boil.

Waiting is not one of our cultural virtues. We want what we want and want it now.  No money? No problem. Charge it. Who saves for something they want any more? Have you ever done this? I have - picking up two cheeseburgers and fries at one of those fast-food places, trying to eat while driving, steering the car with my knees. Yet we know, that getting food fast and eating fast is actually not good for our health. The process of waiting for food includes sitting down at a table, studying the menu, smelling the food. One of the things I love most about being in Portugal and Spain is that every place has olives and bread on the table to nibble on, and engage in conversation, waiting for the meal to come. Waiting - good for your health.

Would Christmas be half as much fun if we just skipped all of Advent? Would we take any time to pause and do some reflection about the meaning of Christmas? Jesuit priest William Lynch says there are two kinds of waiting: first, the “nothing else to do” kind, where the world thinks it is up to God to make a move now.  People go through each day doing ordinary things while worrying about the future - and this is the place where we find despair, helplessness, and confusion - and we get the people who pick up on something as obscure as a round stone that the Mayans used as a calendar, that stops at December 21, 2012 - and right away we think it means the world is coming to a literal end.

It's like throwing up your arms and saying, everything's so corrupt that we just have to wait for the tide to turn. "We keep on waiting for the world to change."  It almost sounds like an appeal to a higher source, a prayer to God for help.

Wait a minute...God already did help....that’s why we are here tonight. An angel appeared and said  "I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A baby has just been born in David's home town, a Savior who is Messiah."

The Messiah has already come, and continues to come.  God's peace and goodwill has  been declared to the world. This is not a message of passive waiting for God just to wave a wand and everything will come right. This is the second kind of waiting.

The second  kind of waiting is based on expectation.. It's an active waiting, like preparing for visitors who are already on the way to see us. The house needs to be cleaned, food needs to be prepared. What we're waiting for is imminent, in that it’s just about to happen -  but also immanent, already here in part.

Tonight we hear Oliver sing  "O Holy Night", written by French poet Placide Cappeau in 1847:

    Truly he taught us to love one another, his law is love and his gospel is peace.
    Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother, and in his name all oppression shall cease.
Amazing - written one year before the French abolition of slavery, and the American Emancipation Declaration by almost 16 years. Cappeau had an expectant kind of waiting, and an active waiting. God was actively at work in the world for the full realization of the coming realm, and it was to come in the birth of a child. Nothing but a child..

Not everybody sees the magnitude of what Cappeau saw. We’ve made Christmas about being busy, partly so the waiting will go faster, partly because our culture tells us we have to, but the “busy” often wears us out. We miss the best part; taking part in this birth.

In this story from Luke, the world is invited to reflect on the birth through the eyes of faith. God is pushing us to look, to see the miracle, the hope tied up in a child. Nothing but a child - and yet in a child, the hopes and fears of all the years are met. In the birth of every baby, Jesus is born again, and in the birth of Jesus, the hopes and the fears of all our years are met with faith.

“Nothing but a child could wash these tears away, or guide a weary world into the light of day.  Nothing but a child could help erase these miles so once again we all can be children for awhile.

Now all around the world, in every little town, everyday is heard a precious little sound.  Every mother kind and every father proud looks down in awe, to find another chance allowed.”

A small town, a young girl and a man, a baby - a gaggle of ragged toothless shepherds - and a choir of angels of every kind singing - the hopes and fears of all the years, are met - in nothing but a child. Nothing but a child, and yet everything wrapped up *in* this child, in every child. What an incredible gift to the world!

1) Waiting on the World to Change, by Rev. Frank Schaefer, based on LKuke 2:6-12
2) "Images of Hope: Imagination as Healer of the Hopeless'' William F. Lynch, 1966
3) "O Holy Night" music by Adolphe Adam in 1847 to the French poem "Minuit, Chrétiens" by Placide Cappeau

Saturday, December 15, 2012

“Joy Shall Come” Philippians 4:4-7 “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Third Sunday of Advent, December 16, 2012, Humber United Church

May you always be joyful in your union with God. I say it again: rejoice! Show a gentle attitude toward everyone. God is coming soon. Don't be anxious about life around you, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking with a thankful heart. God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe, in union with Jesus.
This isn’t the sermon I wrote earlier in the week. Just as the sermon was finished, news came of a horrendous shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Some of my colleagues thought that we should not light the candle of Joy today, as a way of remembering those people, including eighteen children - whose families will feel no joy this Christmas.

Others of us felt the opposite - that this is precisely the time when the candle of Joy should be lit. If we allow such things to even push us to stifle the light of faith, then the young man who did the shooting wins again. The passage from Philppians tells us to show a gentle attitude towards everyone; not to be bogged down in anxiety about life, but pray to |god for what is most needed, and pray with a thankful heart. Precisely what is needed in this tine is a message of peace, and the message that there will yet be joy, even in the face of such great and unspeakable sorrow.

Following the shootings, Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, was interviewed on Fox News, and made this comment:

“It’s an interesting thing. We ask why there’s violence in our schools but we’ve systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage? Because we’ve made it a place where we do not want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability. That we’re not just going to have to be accountable to the police, if they catch us, but we stand one day before a holy God in judgment…  Maybe we ought to let [God] in on the front end and we would not have to call him to show up when it’s all said and done at the back end.”

When I heard  this comment, I had quite a strong, negative response, and in fact sent a message to Mr. Huckabee suggesting that his personal political agenda had not place in this time of great tragedy and grief for these parents. I’ve had to struggle with why the reaction to him was so strong.

One reason is that Huckabee’s argument is painfully crass. The odds are that this person suffered a personality disorder, or some deep grief of his own which took him to such a place of darkness.

According to media reports, Adam Lanza killed his mother and then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he proceeded to kill 20 children and six adults before killing himself. To say that he went on this rampage because “God has been removed from our schools” is witless. A simple generic prayer at the beginning of the school day would not have prevented this young man from carrying out this act.

If he believes that removing God from schools took God’s protection from 20 children and seven adults, which resulted in their deaths, then he’s also theologically confused. Huckabee’a faith teaches that sometimes suffering and death are evidence of one’s devotion to God (see the fate of Jesus and almost every one of His disciples). Why were the victims people who had nothing to do with the offenses that so upset Huckabee? Why would anyone link the attacks to “removing God from our schools”, instead of linking indifference to the plight of the poor – a concern spoken about much more often in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament?

Was Mike Hucakbee more godly and Christian in his comments? Did his comments offer any compassion to these families? Or were they dismissed because there was no prayer every morning in that school?

The great writer C.S. Lewis was a novelist, poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, and Christian apologist from Belfast, Ireland. Although raised an Anglican, he fell away from the church, and only began to deal with faith when he met the great Christian writer J.R. R. Tolkien.  He held academic positions at both Oxford University, and at Cambridge University. He is best known for his fictional work, The Chronicles of Narnia, and for his non-fiction Christian writings, such as Mere Christianity, and Miracles. In 1947 Time magazine portrayed Lewis on its cover alongside a pitchforked, horned, and tailed devil. The magazine accused Lewis of heresy. His heresy, interestingly, was Christianity in a world gone awry. Lewis was a man of laughter and surprises, of jokes and joy. He had a ruddy face because he had a sunny heart. A publisher who collecting selections from Lewis’s works for a book, called it The Joyful Christian.

Yet Lewis knew pain. His wife, the American writer Joy Davidman, died a scant four years after their wedding. Lewis's book “A Grief Observed” describes his experience of bereavement. Throughout the months immediately following his wife’s death, he very candidly describes his resulting anger and bewilderment at God, his observations of his impressions of life and his world without her, and his process of moving in and out of stages of grieving and remembering her. Lewis exhibits doubt and asks fundamental questions of faith throughout the work. Because of his candid account of his grief and the doubts he voices, some of his admirers found it troubling. They were disinclined to believe that this Christian writer that they had grown to know and love could be so close to despair. They even thought that it might be a work of fiction. Others, such as Lewis’s critics, suggested that he was wisest when he was overcome with despair.

About four years ago the Atlanta Journal carried an article that which talks about depression, particularly around the holidays. Christmas is often a season of unmet expectations, because in some ways it touches the most idealized memories of our childhood; we get nostalgic over the loss of that time in our lives…over losing the ability to enter innocently into the joy of the season. The parties we thought would be great aren't; we see all sorts of ads on TV about toys and realize we can't get our kids everything they want. At Christmas dinner mom or dad gets drunk again, a family argument erupts, the car breaks down, a family member gets the flu and joy is sucked away.

Or, worse, a disturbed and violent young man takes two guns, shoots his own mother, and then goes into a school and simply begins shooting again.

But I have to say again, that it is precisely because this threatens to overwhelm us that we have to light the candle of Joy, and hold fast to that faith - to be gentle with others, to rejoice in God always. God does not cause such horrendous acts as some kind of punishment. The whole of Jesus’ life and message was that God does not behave in such a way. God has given human beings choices and will; sometimes the world around us becomes so heavy and unbearable that such atrocities can happen. God does not desire them, does not cause them.

The theme of joy surrounds the whole Christmas story, and it’s at this time that we can NOT let go of it. The angel said "I bring you good news of great joy" (Luke 2:10). Peter writes of the Jesus movement, "Though we do not see him now, we believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy" (1 Pet. 1:8). In the New Testament the word for "joy" occurs 60 times. The verb form, which means, "to rejoice" is used 72 times. If we do not see the New Testament as a book of joy, we fail to understand the message.

In our hymnbook, we have the wonderful chorus:
"You shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace;
the mountains and the hills will break forth before you,
there’ll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the Sundays following, we sing one of the greatest hymns of Isaac Watts. Watts was in poor health most of his life, and for the last thirty years was an invalid, unable to leave home. He could have been bitter, instead he wrote: "Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King”. He wrote it for Easter, but it has become such a part of the Christmas season, that it works in either. In fact, it works all the time.

There’s another one “While by the Sheep”....
While by the sheep we watched at night, glad tidings brought an angel bright.
        How great our joy!  Joy, joy, joy!

This gift of God we'll cherish well, that ever joy our hearts shall fill.
How great our joy! Joy, joy, joy!

And another one “Joy shall come, even to the wilderness.....”

I am sure those families in Newtown will feel as if joy has gone from the world. Our prayers go to all of them, to hold them in love. Our prayers must even go to the family of the young man, who will find no joy this Christmas. Yet for the Christian, it is Joy which is our theme in this season. Joy which comes from the knowledge of the love of God, the love which holds us in spite of ourselves, in spite of the things which happen in the world. Joy shall come, even to the wilderness......may it be so.

1. Mars Hill Review 8 (Summer 1997) “Joy and Sehnsucht: The Laughter and Longings of C.S. Lewis” by Terry Lindvall
2. Sermon “All I Want for Christmas”, by Rev. Steve Jackson, New Song Church, 230 Elm Street, Cumming, Georgia. Dec. 2000.
3. Voices United 884 “You shall go out with joy”
4. “While by the Sheep”,  Traditional German carol, Nach Friedrich von Spee.
5. Comments re: Mike Huckabee, from a blog by Peter Wehner, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Previously worked in the administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Who is In??? Luke 3:1-6 Acts 5:4-11 Humber United Church Second Sunday of Advent December 9, 2012

In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar—when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene - during the high-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness. He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance.  As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet:

“A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. All people will see God’s salvation.’”

When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and elders, to whom they reported everything God had done through them. Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.” The apostles and elders met to consider this question. After much discussion, Peter got up and addressed them: “Brothers, you know that some time ago God made a choice that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the message of the gospel and believe. God, who knows the heart, showed that they were accepted, by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as was done for us. God did not discriminate between us and them, for their hearts were purified by faith. Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that they are saved, just as we are.”
Remember the outcry when women were to be ordained in the church? It was indeed fearsome to behold. If women were going to be ordained, the whole Christian movement would go to hell in a handbasket. Yet, today most mainline Protestant denominations have ordained women.

Two of the kinder arguments used were that Jesus didn’t ordain any women,  that women were not as smart as men. The less kind argument was that women could not possibly be a reflection of Jesus - and the Bible was used as a kind of proof.  Well, technically Jesus didn’t ordain any men either! The Bible does tells us that Jesus called women as well as men to be his disciples. Luke’s Gospel  tells us of the women and men who travelled together with Jesus - and the women provided the money. The Book of Acts tells us of the women who led churches. The first witnesses at Easter were Mary Magdalene and her friends. Genesis, in the creation story, says both male and female were created in the image of God, and it’s interesting that the Catholic Catechism also says that both men and women are made equally in God’s image.

During the 12-13C CE, the Cathars, also called Albigensians by Rome, lived in the area of Languedoc, in southeastern France, bordering on Spain. The Cathars rejected any idea of priesthood or the use of church buildings. They divided into ordinary believers who led ordinary lives, and an inner group of Parfaits (men) and Parfaites (women) who led ascetic lives, but worked for their living - generally in itinerant manual trades like weaving. Men and women were regarded as equals; there was no doctrinal objection to contraception, euthanasia or suicide. By the early thirteenth century Catharism was probably the majority religion in the area, supported by the nobility as well as the common people. Not only did many Catholics, priests included, defect to the Cathars, but the group refused to pay tithes to Rome. Accusing the Cathars of heresy, Pope Innocent III instituted a Crusade against the Cathars, and by the end over 500,000 people, Cathar and non-Cathar alike, had been killed.

We of a certain age can remember even further back, when blacks were not considered people, could not worship in a white church, or eat in restaurants for whites, or use the same washrooms, or shop in the same stores, or live in the same parts of town as whites. In 1980, when Norio and I visited friends in Maryland, they told us that selling their house to blacks would mean the value of homes in the whole area would go down.

Many of us remember the debates over the admission of gays and lesbians to ordained ministry in the church in 1988. At the national office, I often  found letters on my desk, accusing gays of having sex with animals, and all kinds of depraved behaviours. At General Council in Camrose, Alberta in 1997 - bags of dog poop were left on the chairs of people who were either suspected of being gay, or supported gay ordination. These things were always done either overnight, or early enough in the morning that no-one saw who it was.

Well, less than 20 years after the Pentecost experience, Paul and Barnabas faced similar challenges. It is a fact of human living that as long as there are institutions, and churches, and societies - there will always be arguments about who is “in” and who isn’t. Acts 5 records the most controversial, and the most pivotal event in the life of the early church. It called into question whether or not the new “church” was a Jewish reform movement, an independent sect, or was a wider movement where all barriers had been removed. There had already been other arguments about food, and practices foreign to the Jewish church. Following his conversion, Paul had visited Jerusalem, met Peter and James, caused a stir there among the Jews, been shipped off to Caesarea and then home to Tarsus. He spent the next eleven years in Cilicia and Syria. Around 40-41 CE rumours of Greek converts in Antioch went around, and the Jerusalem church sent Barnabas to check it out.

Barnabas got on board, and together with Paul became pastor of a new church which was young, dynamic, and mostly Greek converts. The church in Jerusalem was strongly Jewish, and steeped in the Jewish traditions. The church leaders in Jerusalem thought that any Gentiles who wanted to follow Jesus had to become Jews first, by being circumcised. They could buy the idea that proselytes to Judaism like Cornelius could receive the Holy Spirit, for he was already a "God fearer", but accepting out and out pagans from another place and culture was a different matter. Its wasn't long before this issue came to a head.

On the first journey Paul and Barnabas witnessed to Jews and Gentiles alike. They founded churches in Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe in the Southern region of the province of Galatia. Increasingly, it was the Gentiles who believed. The Jews got jealous and incited the rabble, and the authorities, to throw the apostles out of each town, one after another. When the dust had settled, and their visas were running out they turned round and worked their way back to the coast visiting each of these newly formed churches, and appointed leadership teams. Eventually they returned to home base, Antioch in Syria, tired but fully convinced of the rightness of their strategy. The hostility of the Jews, the responsiveness of the Gentiles, and the evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit convinced them that it was the grace of the Spirit, not religious law or text.

In the Acts text, the words of some believers who were Pharisees insisted that new believers must be circumcised and require to obey the Law of Moses. Peter points out that God made the choice that the Gentiles would hear the message; that God had given them the Spirit, and that God made no distinction between Jew and Gentile. And Peter asks “Why do you put God to the test? We believe it is by the grace of the Spirit that they are saved, just as we are.”

If we are Christians, that means we are followers of Jesus, and that means we are followers of the most radical and inclusive way. That’s the message about preparing the way - preparing your heart, opening it to the Spirit.  Everyone receives wisdom and Spirit from God, regardless of race, language, age, gender, or sexuality. Paul says God makes no distinctions. There is no “in” and “out”. Being inclusive means recognising the gifts that the Spirit has given to all people. May it be so.

1. Sermon by Rev. Stephen Sizer,



Saturday, December 1, 2012

“Looking for Light” a sermon based on Luke 21:25-36 Humber United Church Corner Brook, Newfoundland

“There will be strange things happening to the sun, the moon, and the stars. On earth whole countries will be in despair, afraid of the roar of the sea and the raging tides. People will faint from fear as they wait for what is coming over the whole earth, for the powers in space will be driven from their courses. Then the Son of Man will appear, coming in a cloud with great power and glory. When these things begin to happen, stand up and raise your heads, because your salvation is near.” Then Jesus told them this parable: “Think of the fig tree and all the other trees. When you see their leaves beginning to appear, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see these things happening, you will know that the Kingdom of God is about to come.
 “Remember that all these things will take place before the people now living have all died. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pas away. Be careful not to let yourselves become occupied with too much feasting and drinking and with the worries of this life, or that Day may suddenly catch you like a trap. For it will come upon all people everywhere on earth. Be on watch and pray always that you will have the strength to go safely through all those things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man.”
Allow me to begin by wandering off into Christmas carols a little. There’s one which we love to sing that could be almost be called an advent hymn - I wonder if you can guess?

Here’s a couple of clues: It is loved by children and adults alike, it speaks about the coming of an important person, who knows us and our every action, someone who is good and loving and who expects us to be the same.

Did you get it?

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

“He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve ben bad or good, so be good for goodness’sake:

Santa Claus, Sinterklaas, Saint Nicholas...the figure we have now derived from a person who lived in southwestern Turkey in the 4th century. Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra, and he was credited with miracles involving sailors and children. After his death he became the patron saint of sailors, children, and unmarried girls. Historically, feast days are given for saints, and so the  "feast day"of Nicholas was celebrated on December 6th.

At about the same time Nicholas lived, Pope Julius I decided to establish a date for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. As the actual time of year for this event was unknown, the Pope decided to assign the holiday to December 25th. There had long been a pagan midwinter festival at this time of year and the Pope hoped to use the holiday to christianize the celebrations.

Eventually, Saint Nicholas's feast day also became associated with December 25th and his connection with Christmas was established. A tradition developed that he would supposedly visit homes on Christmas Eve and children would place nuts, apples, sweets and other items around the house to welcome him. In Holland, where the tradition was strongest., he became known as “Sinter Klass”, and after the tradition came to North America, the name gradually became "Sancte Claus." and then Santa Claus.

It’s interesting that the song summarises the Advent message  in a secular way. In the movie “The Polar Express”, Santa refers to himself as a symbol of the spirit of Christmas. Here, in a song about Santa, is the essence of what today’s gospel tells us about being aware an ready to see Jesus..

What are some of the things which happen in our homes this time of year? The house was decorated, a tree trimmed, and baking shortbread, cakes, squares, and sugar cookies cut into
the shapes of trees and stars? And one other thing.....lights are put up. The history of decorating trees with lights comes form the 12th century, when candles were put on the branches of evergreen trees. The history of using light, in all our church celebrations, is much more. The coloured lights we put on the trees, and use to decorate our homes, come from a time in Christian history when Advent and Christmas were the season of light. In the Jewish year, the Season of Light, Hanukkah - also happens in December. It’s the time of year when the nights are the longest and darkest.

Jesus tells one of his hard stories again this week. He pairs a kind of foretelling of the earth in chaos, coming suddenly - and then he moves from there to a fig tree, which can look really totally dead - but begins to show leaves as the days change, and we know spring is around the corner, and there is a return of light.

I am not sure Jesus is saying be ready for the end of the world, although it sounds like that. I think he is saying what he said last week - that the coming of the Realm of God means an ending to the old way of life, and the beginning of a new way of living, and being human. - and he says we need to be ready for it.   

“He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows when you’ve been bad or good, so be good, for goodness’ sake.” You know what - I don’t think this means “For goodness sake be good so Santa will bring gifts.”. I think it means be good, just because being good is the right thing to do. And “being good” is the way to stay alert, to look for the coming of Jesus, and the coming of the realm....    

Just as we get all excited about the coming of Santa, we are also called to expect  Jesus’ coming with the same energy, the same dedication, and indeed the same joy.

In fact, what we are doing here, with Advent is looking for light - light in the darkness, light which signifies the coming of something special, the light from the star the Magi followed - we’re looking for light to break into this world. We hang lights, light candles, pray for light. We come to services, looking for light - God’s light, the light of Jesus. We want that light to illuminate us - and Jesus says clearly we need to be ready

We are called to prepare ourselves for the gift of God to us, and the best way to prepare for that gift is what Advent is all about; not fear of what will happen if we are not prepared, but rather by learning to BE light -  hope, peace, joy and love, and we use the candles and lights to remind us that we are “lights” too.

God sees us when we’re sleeping. God knows when we are awake. God knows what we do. God calls us to learn to be something else - the light of the coming realm of God. May we prepare, in this time of Advent, to be ready.